[LiveForThis] Filmi-ja seriaalipäevik 2011

Foorumlaste filmi- ja seriaalipäevikud.

[LiveForThis] Filmi-ja seriaalipäevik 2011

PostitusPostitas LiveForThis » 02. Jaanuar 2011, 04:29


Sinisega kuu lemmikud
Rohelisega kuu halvimad
K - nähtud kinos
# - kordus
DOK - dokumentaalfilm
SHORT - lühifilm


01. 03.01 - Star wars: Episode IV - A New Hope(1977) 7/10 #
02. 03.01 - Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back(1980) 8/10 #
03. 04.01 - New Moon(2009) 3/10
04. 04.01 - Eclipse(2010) 4,5/10
05. 04.01 - Tucker & Dale vs Evil(2010) 8/10 K
06. 05.01 - 1408(2007) 9/10 #
07. 05.01 - Winter`s Bone(2010) 8/10
08. 06.01 - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang(2006) 8,5/10
09. 06.01 - Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi(1983) 7,5/10 #
10. 07.01 - Flipped(2010) 8/10
11. 07.01 - Stand by Me (1986) 8,5/10
12. 07.01 - The Departed(2006) 9/10 #
13. 19.01 - Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) 9/10
14. 20.01 - Easy A(2010) 6,5/10
15. 21.01 - Black Swan(2010) 10/10 K

16. 25.01 - Man of Vendetta(2010) 6,5/10
17. 26.01 - The King`s Speech(2010) 8,5/10 K

18. 26.01 - I Saw The Devil(2010) 8/10
19. 27.01 - Golden Slumber(2010) 8/10
20. 28.01 - Dead Space Aftermath(2010) 4/10
21. 28.01 - GP 506(2008) 6,5/10
22. 29.01 - Man from Nowhere(2010) 6/10
23. 30.01 - Inside Job(2010) 8/10 K
24. 31.01 - Exit Through the Gift Shop(2010) 9/10 K


25. 01.02 - Man with a Movie Camera(1929) 8/10
26. 02.02 - A Bittersweet Life(2005) 9/10

27. 02.02 - Üks mu sõber(2010) 5/10 K
28. 06.02 - Road to Perdition(2002) 9/10 #
28. 07.02 - Sleepy Hollow(1999) 8,5/10 #
29. 08.02 - Road to Perdition(2002) 9/10
30. 08.02 - Zemlya(1930) 6/10
31. 09.02 - Due Date(2010) 6/10
32. 11.02 - Tournée(2010) 7/10 K
33. 11.02 - Kirjad Inglile(2010) 8/10 K
34. 11.02 - Tamara Drewe(2010) 7/10 K
35. 12.02 - Kirjad Inglile(2010) 8/10 # K

36. 12.02 - Children of Men(2006) 9/10 #
37. 13.02 - The Fighter(2010) 8/10 K
38. 13. 02 - I Am Curious(Yellow) (1967) 7/10 K
39. 17.02 - Stiilipidu(2005) 5/10
40. 18.02 - 5 Centimetres Per Second(2007) 8,5/10 #

41. 18.02 - The Fighter(2010) 8/10 K
42. 24.02 - Memories of Murder(2003) 10/10 #


43. 02.03 - Happythankyoumoreplease(2010) 7/10
43. 03.03 - Rango(2011) 8/10 K

44. 04.03 - The Quiet Family(1998) 8/10
45. 05.03 - Toy Story(1995) 7/10
46. 05.03 - Toy Story 2(1999) 8/10
47. 05.03 - Toy Story 3(2010) 8/10
48. 08.03 - Certified Copy(2010) 8/10 K
49. 09.03 - 71: In To the Fire(2010) 6/10
50. 09.03 - Battle: Los Angeles(2011) 6,5/10 K
51. 10.03 - Armadillo(2010) 8/10
52. 11.03 - Alexandra(2007) 9/10
51. 10.03 - True Grit(2010) 8/10 K
52. 14.03 - Rotilõks(2011) 5/10 K
53. 15.03 - La passion de Jeanne d'Arc(1928) 9/10
54. 15.03 - Tron Legacy(2010) 6/10
55. 19.03 - Napapiirin sankarit(2010) 7/10 K
56. 19.03 - Kormoranid ehk nahkpükse ei pesta(2011) 6,5/10 K
57. 20.03 - My Sassy Girl(2001) 7/10
58. 21.03 - Jane Eyre(2011) 8/10 K

59. 22.03 - Kairo(2001) 8/10
60. 29.03 - Casablanca(1942) 8/10
61. 31.03 - Sucker Punch(2011) 5/10 K

62. 04.04 - Welcome to the Quiet Room(2007) 7,5/10
63. 05.04 - Solomon Kane(2009) 5/10

64. 06.04 - Insidious(2011) 8/10 K
65. 07.04 - Annie Hall(1977) 8/10
66. 07.04 - BFM tudengite lühifilmid:MINEVIKKU(2011) 7/10 K
67. 09.04 - Echoes of the Rainbow(2010) 6/10
68. 09.04 - One Day(2010) 9/10
69. 10.04 - Cafe Lumiere(2003) 8/10
70. 15.04 - Silence of the Lambs(1991) 10/10
71. 15.04 - One Piece Film: Strong World (2009) 5/10 K
72. 15.04 - My Neighbor Totoro (1988) 9/10
73. 16.04 - King of Thorn (2010) 7/10 K
75. 16.04 - Oblivion Island: Haruka and the Magic Mirror (2009) 7,5/10 K
76. 17.04 - Space Battleship Yamato: Resurrection (2009) 5/10 K
77. 17.04 - The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (2010) 6/10K
78. 18.04 - The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (2006) 10/10 # K
79. 19.04 - Summer Wars (2009) 9/10 # K
80. 20.04 - Mai Mai Miracle(2009) 8/10 K
81. 20.04 - Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike(2009) 4,5/10 K
82. 20.04 - Pulp Fiction(1994) 10/10

83. 21.04 - Japan Media Arts 2010 7/10
84. 21.04 - Memories(1995) 8/10

85. 22.04 - Perfect Blue(1998) 10/10 K
85. 23.04 - Millennium Actress(2001) 9/10 K
86. 24.04 - The Borrower Arrietty(2010) 8/10 K
87. 24.04 - Paprika(2006) 9/10 K


88. 05.05 - Marebito(2004) 6/10
89. 11.05 - Little Miss Sunshine(2006) 9/10 #
90. 14.05 - Haunters(2010) 8/10

91. 16.05 - Super(2010) 7/10
92. 16.05 - West is West(2010) 6/10
93. 20.05 - Fast Five(2011) 7/10 K

94. 24.05 - The Pirates of Caribbean: On Stranger Tides(2011) 5/10 K
95. 24.05 - Vanishing on 7th Street(2010) 6/10
96. 25.05 - The Lincoln Lawyer(2011) 8/10
97. 27.05 - Hall Pass(2011) 4/10
98. 27.05 - Year One(2009) 3/10
99. 28.05 - Just Go With It(2011) 2/10
100. 28.05 - Limitless(2011) 6/10

101. 30.05 - Hangover Part II(2011) 5/10 K

102. 10.06 - The Dilemma(2011) 5/10
103. 11.06 - Paul(2011) 6/10

104. 20.06 - Noriko`s Dinner Table(2005) 10/10 K
105. 27.06 - Tales from Earthsea(2006) 5/10
106. 28.06 - Take Me Home Tonight(2011) 5/10

107. 02.07 - The Yellow Sea(2010) 8/10
108. 04.07 - The Incredibles(2004) 8/10 #

109. 06.07 - The Unjust(2010) 7,5/10
110. 07.07 - Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince(2009) 7/10
111. 08.07 - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I(2010) 8/10 #
112. 09.07 - Source Code(2011) 8/10
113. 10.07 - The Adjustmend Bureau(2011) 8/10
114. 11.07 - Your Highness(2011) 7/10

115. 14.07 - Stake Land(2010) 9/10
116. 15. 07 - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II(2011) 9/10 K
117. 16.07 - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001) 8/10 #
118. 17.07 - Forgetting Sarah Marshall(2008) 8/10
119. 18.07 - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets(2002) 7/10 #
120. 19.07 - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban(2004) 9/10 #
121. 20.07 - Unbreakable(2000) 10/10 #
122. 21.07 - Lady in the Water(2006) 8/10 #
123. 22.07 - Wrecked(2011) 7/10
124. 23.07 - The Village(2004) 8/10 #
125. 29.07 - Drive Angry(2011) 7/10
126. 30.07 - The Ward(2011) 4/10


127. 08.08 - Event Horizon(1997) 8/10 #
128. 09.08 - Bad Teacher(2011) 5/10
129. 09.08 - Hesher(2010) 8/10

130. 11.08 - House of 1000 Corpses(2003) 7/10
131. 13.08 - Terminator Salvation(2009) 7/10 #
132. 16.08 - The Battle of Chernobyl(2006) 8/10 DOK
133. 16.08 - Pripyat(1999) 9/10 DOK

134. 20.08 - Inception(2010) 9/10 #
135. 21.08 - The Next Three Days(2010) 6,5/10

136. 22.08 - Rise of the Planet of the Apes(2011) 7,5/10 K
137. 23.08 - Last Kiss(2006) 6/10
138. 23.08 - Kill the Irishman(2011) 6,5/10
139. 24.08 - I Am Number Four(2011) 4/10

140. 25.08 - Underworld(2003) 8/10 #
141. 26.08 - Underworld: Evolution(2006) 7/10 #
142. 26.08 - Midnight in Paris(2011) 7/10
143. 27.08 - Mogari no mori(2007) 8/10

144. 28.08 - Lotte ja Kuukivi saladus(2011) 6/10 K


145. 02.09 - Fireflies in the Garden(2008) 6,5/10
146. 05.09 - Ladri di biciclette(1948) 7/10
147. 07.09 - Lõppematu päev(1971) 9/10 SHORT
148. 08.09 - Eine murul(1987) 10/10 SHORT
149. 08.09 - Mt.Head(2002) 9/10 SHORT
150. 08.09 - Fig(2006) 7/10 SHORT
151. 08.09 - The Old Crocodile(2005) 7/10 SHORT
152. 08.09 - Franz Kafka`s: The Country Doctor(2007) 9/10 SHORT
153. 08.09 - A Child's Metaphysics(2007) 8/10 SHORT
154. 09.09 - Elena(2011) 9/10

155. 10.09 - Fight Club(1999) 10/10 #
156. 15.09 - Surma hinda küsi surnutelt(1977) 7/10
157. 15.09 - Entre les murs(2008) 8/10

158. 17.09 - Buried(2010) 9/10 #
159. 18.09 - Attack the Block(2011) 8/10
160. 19.09 - Henry`s Crime(2011) 5/10
161. 20.09 - La Havre(2011) 7/10 K
162. 23.09 - The Importance of Tying Your Own Shoes(2011) 5/10
163. 24.09 - Mis juhtus Andres Lapeteusega?(1966) 7/10
164. 25.09 - Taxidi sta Kythira(1984) 8/10
165. 30.09 - La Petite Chambre(2010) 7/10
166. 30.09 - Melancholia(2011) 7/10 K


167. 01.10 - Horrible Bosses(2011) 6/10
168. 03.10 - Melancholia(2011) 8/10 K

169. 08.10 - Le Gamin au vélo(2011) 5/10
170. 08.10 - Sala samobojcow(2011) 8/10
171. 08.10 - Uus Maailm(2011) 8/10 K
172. 08.10 - Sykt lykkelig(2010) 6/10
173. 09.10 - Goethe!(2010) 4/10 K
174. 14.10 - The Skin I Live In(2011) 7/10 K
175. 20.10 - Kung Fu Panda 2(2011) 6/10
177. 21.10 - Drive(2011) 8/10 K
178. 22.10 - Kotirauha(2011) 6/10
179. 25.10 - Captain America: The First Avenger(2011) 7/10
180. 27.10 - Colombiana(2011) 6/10
181. 28.10 - Green Lantern(2011) 5/10
182. 29.10 - I Spit on Your Grave(2010) 5/10
183. 30.10 - Gin Gwai(2002) 9/10

184. 02.11 - Gwai Wik(2006) 8/10

15.11-30.11 PÖFF:

La Terre Outragèe

Wuthering Heights

Martha Marcy May Marlene
We Need To Talk About Kevin
Koi no tsumi
A torinói ló
The Artist
Börn náttúrunnar
Cave of Forgotten Dreams

Oslo, 31. august
Bizim Büyük Çaresizligimiz
Wild Bill
Presumè Coupable
Strawberry Fields

Book Chon Bang Hyang
Hei Bai zhao Pian
Dance Town

Les Acacias
Perfect Sense

Onno no kappa
Moth Diaries

218. 04.12 - The Thing(2011) 7/10
219. 07.12 - Children Whos Chase Lost Voices From Deep Below(2011) 8/10
220. 08.12 - A Torinói ló(2011) 10/10
221. 09.12 - Essential Killing(2010) 8/10
222. 10.12 - Four Brothers(2005) 8/10
223. 12.12 - Mis juhtus Andres Lapeteusega?
224. 13.12 - Surma hinda küsi surnutelt
225. 14.12 - Naerata ometi!
226. 15.12 - G.I.Joe: Rise of Cobra(2009) 4/10
227. 15.12 - 30 Minutes or Less(2011) 7/10
228. 18.12 - Love Actually(2003) 8/10
229. 18.12 - Fright Night(2011) 7/10
230. 24.12 - Home Alone(1990) 8/10
231. 24.12 - Home Alone 2(1992) 7/10
232. 24.12 - The Polar Express(2004) 7/10
233. 24.12 - A Christmas Carol(2009) 8/10
234. 25.12 - Like Crazy(2011) 9/10
235. 25.12 - Super 8(2011) 8/10
236. 25.12 - Don`t Be Afraid of the Dark(2010) 6/10
237. 27.12 - Apollo 18(2011) 7/10
238. 28.12 - Sherlock Holmes(2009) 8/10
239. 29.12 - Crazy Stupid Love(2011) 8/10
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 4911
Liitunud: 28. Juuni 2008, 15:25
Asukoht: Tallinn

PostitusPostitas LiveForThis » 02. Jaanuar 2011, 04:34




1. Fringe S03;E04-11
2. How I Met Your Mother S06;E13
3. The Big Bang Theory S04;E12
4. Terriers S01
5. Haven S01;E01
6. Friends S01;06


Friends S09
Supernatural S05
Fringe S03
Family Guy S09
American Dad
Mr. Sunshine S01;E01-02
How I Met Your Mother S05;
The Big Bang Theory S04;
Casshern Sins E15




Game of Thrones S01
Cougar Town S01,S02
South Park S15,E07
The Killing S01
Community S01,S02


Falling Skies S01;E01-07
Parks and Recreation S01


Falling Skies S01
Outcasts S01
Parks and Recreation S01,S02


Modern Family S01, S02, S03
Community S03,E01
Parks and Recreation S03: E01
How I Met Your Mother S07
The Big Bang Theory S05:
Two and a Half Men S09:
Family Guy S10: E01
The Simpsons S23: E01
Person of Interest S01
Fringe S04: E01
Supernatural S07: E01
The Office S01: E04
High Shool of the Dead S01: E04


Carnivale S01: E01-03
Person of Interest S01: E01-04
Homeland S01: E01-04
The Walking Dead S01: E01-02
Man Up! S01: E01-02
How To Make It In America S01: E01-02
Happy Endings S01,S02: E01-03
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 4911
Liitunud: 28. Juuni 2008, 15:25
Asukoht: Tallinn

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