Parental Guide'i järgi filmi arvamine

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Re: Parental Guide'i järgi filmi arvamine

PostitusPostitas Ralf » 12. Jaanuar 2013, 19:36

"Inglourious Basterds"
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Re: Parental Guide'i järgi filmi arvamine

PostitusPostitas Rasmus » 12. Jaanuar 2013, 19:38

JazZ- oli kiirem :nool:
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Re: Parental Guide'i järgi filmi arvamine

PostitusPostitas JazZ- » 12. Jaanuar 2013, 19:47

Spoiler :
Sex & Nudity

Some nude bodies are pinned all over the inside of a cave. But, they are obviously fake and nothing is shown.

Violence & Gore

There are several shots of a demonic-looking creature in varying degrees of detail: it is shown with pointed rows of teeth and a demonic head, and it sprouts wings and a taloned webbing around its head.

A creature is perched over a man's body eating; we hear slurping and loud swallowing, and the dead body jerks as it is torn, and we see half a bloody arm hit the floor.

A creature swings down grabbing a man; we see the victim's blood-splattered face and light shines through a large hole in his chest.

A creature breaks through the roof of a car, grabs the driver's head, wields an axe, we hear a schwing, and we see a man's head lying on the road.

A creature picks up a severed head, sniffs at it and appears to be kissing it when we hear slurping and see the head's tongue being pulled out. We see a body with its eyes cut out and apparently the rest of the back of his head because we can see through the holes.

A creature screams, growls, sprouts talon-lined webbing around its head and large wings when threatened by a group of armed police officers.

A creature crashes through a window and grabs a young man and woman by the throat; it sniffs them both in turn, and licks her face.

A young man discovers a blood stained, sheet covered object; it moves and grabs his leg and when he opens the sheet he finds a young man (tinged blue) with a huge sewn up scar down his chest and abdomen.

We focus on a dead young man and woman and see the woman with crude stitching around her neck and a large stitched scar on her abdomen.

We see a pile of sheet wrapped objects (presumably bodies) stacked in a corner, and we see many nude dead bodies (they look almost plastic as they glisten) stuck to the walls and ceiling of a cavernous place.

A car crashes into a creature knocking it to the ground and then backs over it, then forward, then back and we see the smoldering, crumbled remains of the creature; it sprouts a wing that then falls limp and the car runs over it again.

We see the back of a truck filled with sheet covered objects (presumably bodies) and a severed head is tossed in.

A car barrels toward a creature standing in the street.

A woman is held off the ground by her neck by a creature (she's gasping for air) and then tossed on the floor.

A creature flies holding a young man; we see his legs dangling in the sky.

A woman fires a shot gun at a scarecrow, there's a flash and something flies into her house.

We hear screams echoing through an abandoned building.

A young woman panics and screams when a young man falls against her car window.

A large truck chases a young man and woman in a car; it races up on their bumper and blows a loud horn, another time it rams them several times until they run off the road into a field.

A police officer is pulled out of the car window by a creature standing on the roof.

A creature grabs a woman by the hair and bends her head back and sniffs her.

A young man slips down a pipe and lands hard on the ground, knocked unconscious for a few minutes.

A young woman sees a truck approaching and panics trying to get her car started.

A young man has a bloody wound on his hand and gets hit in the crotch with a shotgun.

A man dumps two blood stained, sheet covered objects into a large pipe.

A young man and woman look into a large pipe and they remark about the stench.

A young man yells in terror and disbelief.

A woman relates the tale of the creature and she explains that it eats what it needs to create itself (read body parts).

We hear a report over a police radio that a church is on fire.

A young woman talks about a couple having been killed and a young man remarks that they never found her head.


12 F-words, 1 obscene hand gesture, 12 scatological terms, 9 anatomical terms, 31 mild obscenities, 8 religious profanities, 12 religious exclamations.



Frightening/Intense Scenes

X himself is disturbing looking.

There are a few jump scenes.

In two scenes, a truck speeds and rides up close to two people driving. This could be intense to younger viewers.

Recommended viewing age: 15
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Re: Parental Guide'i järgi filmi arvamine

PostitusPostitas Ralf » 12. Jaanuar 2013, 19:47

"Jeepers Creepers"
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Re: Parental Guide'i järgi filmi arvamine

PostitusPostitas JazZ- » 12. Jaanuar 2013, 19:50

Aga muidugi! :nool:
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Aasta foorumlane 2018
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Re: Parental Guide'i järgi filmi arvamine

PostitusPostitas Ralf » 12. Jaanuar 2013, 19:52

Spoiler :
Sex & Nudity

Some mild scenes of sexuality and nudity are displayed at various points in the film:

A young man and a young woman kiss and move to various other places before he places her on a table. She leans back and he unbuttons her bra. He caresses her bare breasts as another man watches. The young man kisses her bare breasts and caresses them further but they are interrupted.

A man enters a strip club and flashes of breasts are shown. In a later scene, the club is visited once again where multiple strippers are either dancing or lingering in the background.

A man ties up a woman and goes to grab her clothed breasts but he is interrupted.

Violence & Gore

The movie is particularly violent and at times, quite graphic. The traps are very Saw-esque.

-A man is attacked by a dog. (Nothing graphic. His mask gets bitten slightly)

-A man is seen crawling out from the basement, bloody and bruised.

-A man is stabbed by a spike in his ear when he tries to use a phone.

-A window is boarded up and booby-trapped with blades. A man tries to escape out of the window and gets the blades slammed down on his hand. Thick blood pours.

-A man is tied to chair with deep cut wounds all over his body.

-A woman is chained to a bathtub with duct tape pinned over her eyes.

-A man threatens to cut off a woman's tongue with a wrench. (He doesn't in the end)

-A man is a large box with his legs chained inside. He has chains and other bits of metal piercing through his feet and legs which are soaked in blood.

-A bedroom floor is covered in acid glue. A cat is stuck in the acid and howls in pain. A man rips the cat out of the acid which tears of a bloody strip of its flesh. It is thrown towards a booby-trapped window which falls and slices the cat in half. (Blood splatters over the man's face.)

-A man has been hung upside down and killed.

-A woman is stabbed in the tits as she tries to escape causing her to fall back down some stairs.

-A woman's mouth is sewn shut as her screams are recorded.

-A teenage boy is stabbed through his hand. A trap causes a cleaver to cut his fingers off when he's pushed through a doorway. His leg then gets stuck in a bear trap causing him to fall over and set off a series of bear traps, killing him graphically. (Very graphic. We see his mangled corpse later on).

-A teenage girl is tied to a staircase with barbed wire. The wire creates bloody cuts on her neck and arms.

-A teenage girl is thrown across a room when she sets off a trap causing her to be impaled with hidden spikes behind a projector screen. (Graphic and shocking)

-A man and a little girl plan to kill their attacker by pushing over the fish tank and tv on the floor. The attacker pushes a captive onto the floor, electrocuting him instead. Blood spurts out of his mouth. (Disturbing)

-A man's head is bashed into a door numerous times until his skull cracks. Blood spurts and splatters all over door and we see shots of his smashed face.

-A room is filled with fish hooks hanging from the ceiling. A man turns around and gets one through his eyebrow.

-A man is knocked out and tied to a chair and has fish hooks pierced into his back.

-A man has his forehead sliced with a knife to wake him up.

-A policeman gets his throat ripped out by a dog. Blood sprays and spurts.

-A man breaks a policeman's neck.

-A man sets a trashcan on fire and shoves it onto a rabid dog's head.

-Two men have a violent fistfight.

-A man releases a chandelier which falls onto another man, stabbing him. (It doesn't kill him.)

-A man gets hit by a police car.

-A man stabs a paramedic in the eye, killing him.

-A man is trapped inside a box.


13 "f" words. A few faggots. Some shits. A few instances of bitch.


A man smokes. One brief bit of underage smoking.

Frightening/Intense Scenes

The movie is very intense, violent and graphic. Trap wounds/death scenes are quite frightening.

TOTAL: 28/50 This film contains very violent scenes that may disturb many viewers. It also contains much gore. It is not a specially scare movie, but it has some small scares.Not recommended for impressionable people or children. It can be for 17.
Kasutaja avatar
love <3
Postitusi: 13749
Liitunud: 06. Mai 2006, 14:57
Asukoht: Sinu voodialune (väga tolmune *köh*)

Re: Parental Guide'i järgi filmi arvamine

PostitusPostitas damon » 21. Jaanuar 2013, 16:48

The Collector
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Sõrmuste Isand
Sõrmuste Isand
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Re: Parental Guide'i järgi filmi arvamine

PostitusPostitas Ralf » 21. Jaanuar 2013, 17:21

Õigust kõneled, Matt :nool:
Kasutaja avatar
love <3
Postitusi: 13749
Liitunud: 06. Mai 2006, 14:57
Asukoht: Sinu voodialune (väga tolmune *köh*)

Re: Parental Guide'i järgi filmi arvamine

PostitusPostitas damon » 21. Jaanuar 2013, 18:08

Ralf kirjutas:Õigust kõneled, Matt :nool:
Mis Matt ? :shokeeritud:

Spoiler :
Sex & Nudity
In the beginning of the film, a man tries to molest an 11 year old girl.

There is a short sex scene where we see a woman's breasts for about 5 seconds as she straddles him.

A woman walks around topless for about 3-4 seconds.

Violence & Gore
Most violence is bloodless, but there are some graphic scenes.

An assassin shoots a woman in the chest as he holds her.

A man is punched and is knocked out.

Two men get beat up with a lead pipe.

A man finds a dead woman in his bed.

A bouncer hits a bar patron's head off a door repeatedly.

A guy interrogates a man by dunking his head in a toilet repeatedly.

A priest is shot in the head.

A man is hit by a car.

A woman is shot nearly thirty times with a submachine gun. Graphic.

A man kills a few cops with a hatchet.

A man is ripped apart by a wolf. Graphic.

A man electrocuted, but somehow survives and spits out a lot of blood.

A corpse has it's legs cut off.

A man's throat is slit with no blood.

A man is shot in the shoulder.

A man rips off another man's genitals. Intended to be comical, but there's lots of blood.

Moderate language.

Most of the characters are either seen smoking and drinking.

Jack recklessly drives drunk.
Kasutaja avatar
Sõrmuste Isand
Sõrmuste Isand
Postitusi: 352
Liitunud: 29. Jaanuar 2010, 13:06
Asukoht: Pärnu

Re: Parental Guide'i järgi filmi arvamine

PostitusPostitas Ralf » 21. Jaanuar 2013, 18:28

damon kirjutas:
Ralf kirjutas:Õigust kõneled, Matt :nool:
Mis Matt ?

Damon. :irw:
Kasutaja avatar
love <3
Postitusi: 13749
Liitunud: 06. Mai 2006, 14:57
Asukoht: Sinu voodialune (väga tolmune *köh*)

Re: Parental Guide'i järgi filmi arvamine

PostitusPostitas damon » 21. Jaanuar 2013, 19:59

Ralf kirjutas:
damon kirjutas:
Ralf kirjutas:Õigust kõneled, Matt :nool:
Mis Matt ?

Damon. :irw:

Arvasin jah, et sellele viitad. Tegelikult pärineb nimi ikka Damon Wayans'ilt. (Y)
Kasutaja avatar
Sõrmuste Isand
Sõrmuste Isand
Postitusi: 352
Liitunud: 29. Jaanuar 2010, 13:06
Asukoht: Pärnu

Re: Parental Guide'i järgi filmi arvamine

PostitusPostitas damon » 23. Jaanuar 2013, 10:51

Lisan lihtsustamiseks.
Spoiler :
Frightening/Intense Scenes This movie is very violent, but it plays out like a comic book, making it seem less realistic and therefore less frightening.

Mature 13-14 yr. olds should be fine.
Kasutaja avatar
Sõrmuste Isand
Sõrmuste Isand
Postitusi: 352
Liitunud: 29. Jaanuar 2010, 13:06
Asukoht: Pärnu

Re: Parental Guide'i järgi filmi arvamine

PostitusPostitas Forzelius » 02. Juuli 2016, 07:11

Sex & Nudity

In the background of various shots where xx's teaching others how to gamble, we occasionally and briefly see female dancers - in various forms of scanty attire - doing their thing while men watch them. A stripper in a revealing fishnet nurse's dress performs a lapdance. A picture of a woman covering her breasts with her hands is seen. You see the picture for about 3 seconds.

Violence & Gore

We see some flashback footage (played for laughs) as xx recounts how various people tried to rob casinos in the past. During this, we see one man being tackled after grabbing a lockbox; another guy pushes people out of the way before a cop/guard hits him in the face with his nightstick; and three guards/cops shoot a third guy in the back as he runs out onto the street with stolen money (seen from a distance with no blood).


2 F words

7 uses of shit

7 uses of damn, 5 used with goddamn


Frightening/Intense Scenes
The whole robbing scene is a bit suspenseful.
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