Parental Guide'i järgi filmi arvamine

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Re: Iseloomustus

PostitusPostitas Forzelius » 26. Märts 2012, 17:41

hint, vihja veel. Ei tahaks seda mängu välja suretada.
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Postitusi: 13222
Liitunud: 22. Mai 2005, 21:22

Re: Iseloomustus

PostitusPostitas hint » 27. Märts 2012, 00:43

Esimene oli vana kooli B kati (sorta lege) action film, teine on üks maailma kuulsaimaid filme, mis kunagi tehtud.
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Re: Iseloomustus

PostitusPostitas Forzelius » 27. Märts 2012, 00:50

Kas teine film on Godfather II?
Igaks juhuks pakun teist kah: Kickboxer?
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Postitusi: 13222
Liitunud: 22. Mai 2005, 21:22

Re: Iseloomustus

PostitusPostitas hint » 27. Märts 2012, 06:38

Forza kirjutas:Kas teine film on Godfather II?
Igaks juhuks pakun teist kah: Kickboxer?

Godfather II peaks minu mäletamist mööda õige olema. Teine film vist oli Road House : )
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Postitusi: 863
Liitunud: 03. Juuli 2009, 18:18

Re: Iseloomustus

PostitusPostitas Forzelius » 27. Märts 2012, 10:17

Jätkan siis:

Sex & Nudity
It is implied that a man rapes a woman. He is seen removing her clothing, but there is no nudity and the scene cuts away before anything else happens. In a later flashback to this same scene, the woman's bare breasts are visible briefly, and the first 10 seconds of the rape with a man on top of a woman are clearly shown minus any further nudity.
You see a woman in a bath tub but she covers herself with her hands

Violence & Gore
Rated R for some violent content. Many people are shot but there´s almost no blood.
A man is stabbed with a long knife. Not explicitly shown.
A woman is raped and This scene is probably the only reason for the R rating.
A man's wife and baby are shot. (Off Screen)


xxxxxxxx smokes for most of the movie.

Frightening/Intense Scenes
xxxxxxxx is beaten by thugs, but not very graphically.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 13222
Liitunud: 22. Mai 2005, 21:22

Re: Iseloomustus

PostitusPostitas Forzelius » 22. August 2012, 00:50

vesterniga tegu.
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Postitusi: 13222
Liitunud: 22. Mai 2005, 21:22

Re: Iseloomustus

PostitusPostitas Ralf » 18. November 2012, 20:31

"High Plains Drifter" ?
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Re: Iseloomustus

PostitusPostitas Forzelius » 18. November 2012, 20:33

vale vastus

EDIT: Ma sisuliselt ütlesin irkus vastuse ette spoilertagi all.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 13222
Liitunud: 22. Mai 2005, 21:22

Re: Parental Guide'i järgi filmi arvamine

PostitusPostitas Forzelius » 26. November 2012, 03:00

ponchoga mees
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Postitusi: 13222
Liitunud: 22. Mai 2005, 21:22

Re: Parental Guide'i järgi filmi arvamine

PostitusPostitas Rasmus » 23. Detsember 2012, 18:27

Hea, halb ja inetu?
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Rasmus meeskond meeskond
Postitusi: 5055
Liitunud: 08. Märts 2012, 15:26
Asukoht: Honey Island Swamp

Re: Parental Guide'i järgi filmi arvamine

PostitusPostitas Forzelius » 23. Detsember 2012, 21:02

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Postitusi: 13222
Liitunud: 22. Mai 2005, 21:22

Re: Parental Guide'i järgi filmi arvamine

PostitusPostitas Rasmus » 12. Jaanuar 2013, 14:24

For a Few Dollars More :?:
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Rasmus meeskond meeskond
Postitusi: 5055
Liitunud: 08. Märts 2012, 15:26
Asukoht: Honey Island Swamp

Re: Parental Guide'i järgi filmi arvamine

PostitusPostitas Forzelius » 12. Jaanuar 2013, 17:45

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Postitusi: 13222
Liitunud: 22. Mai 2005, 21:22

Re: Parental Guide'i järgi filmi arvamine

PostitusPostitas Rasmus » 12. Jaanuar 2013, 19:35

Ei tohiks just eriti raske olla...

Sex & Nudity

There is a brief scene when xxxxxxx and xxxxxxx are sitting at lunch with xxxxxxx and his translator in which when the translator introduces herself, it cuts to a scene with xxxxxxx is having doggie style sex with her from behind. This only lasts for a few seconds, but features a lot of moaning and graphic movement.

Violence & Gore

A group of Nazi soldiers shoot through the floorboards of a house, killing the Jewish family that was hiding there. One girl gets away (we see some blood on her).

In a montage, a man slits another man's throat, places a pillow over a man's head and stabs his face repeatedly and shoves his fist into another sleeping man's mouth, presumably suffocating him.

Nazi's are scalped when captured, we see some of these shots in partial detail and others from a distance. For some, they are allowed to live, but with a swastika carved into their forhead. On two occasions, we this carving up close with quite a bit of blood oozing forth.

A Nazi's head is beaten in with a baseball bat. Extremely graphic and brutal. Most of this is shown from a distance but there are a few close-ups.

There is a brief scene where a man is shown being whipped. His back is bloody.

A shoot out occurs in a bar. Some blood is shown; there is also a closeup of two men shooting each other in the crotches repeatedly. Many people die in this scene.

xxxxxxx tries to recieve information from xxxxxxx by putting his finger into a bullet hole wound in her leg, and then twisting his finger around as she writhes and screams in pain.

Plenty of shootouts throughout the movie, and some of them involving blood spraying. Three officers are shot in a car, we see blood splatter on the windshield.

A theater is set on fire to burn down, killing all of the Nazis in it.


About two dozen f-words and half-a-dozen s-words. God's name is taken in vain close to 10 times; five times it's paired with "d--n." Milder profanities include "a--," "h---," "b--ch" and "b--tard." There are a couple of crude verbal references to the male anatomy.


(Pipe)smoking and drinking throughout, including a scene taking place in a pub where a few people are very drunk. Also xxxxxxx sniffs powdered snuff in many scenes.

Frightening/Intense Scenes

Some scenes graphic violence could be very disturbing to some viewers.

Some intense shoot out scenes where shots come suddenly and unexpectedly.

The scalping scenes are gross but semi comedic, as per the eccentric nature of the film

The ending scene can be very intense to certain viewers.

A woman is strangled to death.
Kasutaja avatar
Rasmus meeskond meeskond
Postitusi: 5055
Liitunud: 08. Märts 2012, 15:26
Asukoht: Honey Island Swamp

Re: Parental Guide'i järgi filmi arvamine

PostitusPostitas JazZ- » 12. Jaanuar 2013, 19:36

inglourious basterds
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