Doktor Moreau saar

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Doktor Moreau saar

PostitusPostitas Cochrane » 02. Märts 2006, 22:27

Doktor Moreau saar
The Island of Dr. Moreau (1996)

Hullumeelne geenius dr. Moreau (Marlon Brando) teeb oma muust maailmast eraldatud saarel katsetusi inimeste ja loomade geenidega, et luua intelligentseid, inimesesarnaseid loomi. Kui saarele satub merehädaline Edward Douglas (David Thewlis), hakkab saarel valitsenud sunniviisiline tasakaal loominimeste ja nende isanda vahel hävima.

Põhineb H. G. Wellsi jutustusel.

Loe täielikku tutvustust siit
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PostitusPostitas Ralf » 23. August 2006, 03:55

Häiriv film, kui sealset fiktsiooni seostada faktidega või kui end liiga sisse elada. Õnneks ei kiskunud liiga veriseks, muidu oleks tundunud kui b-splätterina (hoolimata äramoonutatud Brandost). Filmi sõnum on üsnagi selge, pinevust jagub ja kuigi lõpp natuke liiga märuliks kiskus, kannatab "Moreau" mitmekordset vaatamist.
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Liitunud: 06. Mai 2006, 14:57
Asukoht: Sinu voodialune (väga tolmune *köh*)

PostitusPostitas Ralf » 05. Jaanuar 2011, 07:40

Pikk tekst, aga soovitan soojalt lugeda. Üksikasjalikult ära toodud, kuidas selle filmi võtetest sai täielik katastroof:

Re: What happened on set?
by sangotham13 (Thu Aug 2 2007 23:33:49)

Marlon Brando and Val Kilmer had just returned from Ireland together secondary to Brando's grieving from the suicide of his daughter. The day production started the French set off an underwater atomic bomb near Tahiti where Brando owned an atoll. Then Kilmer learned that he was getting divorced when he turned on the TV. Kilmer immediately wanted off the set to be with his children but was forced to participate contractually by the studio secondary to the recent success of "Batman Forever", "Heat" and "Tombstone". The studio allowed him to change roles as a compromise. Just a few days later director Richard Stanley was fired from his life-long dream job by the studio due to their concerns over the direction of the film and actor Rob Morrow left the production. David Thewlis was short fused to replace Morrow. John Frankenheimer was hired to replace Stanley but from the start clashed with Brando, Kilmer, other members of the cast and studio executives regarding the direction of the film. Brando had trouble remembering his lines and had to wear a wire with his lines read to him, but given all that he was going through nobody was surprised. Thewlis then fell and broke his leg. Frankenheimer was looking for a scapegoat on a film he knew he should have never agreed to take over. Given the body of work exhibited; Brando, Thewlis and Kilmer had every right to be upset with Frankenheimer. Thewlis even refused to participate in promoting the film and did not attend the premiere. Thewlis has noted several times that this film was the "most negative experience" he has ever had as an actor. Frankenheimer elected to attack Kilmer knowing the actor did not have a PR staff (like Tom Cruise or Tom Hanks did at the time) and also failed to counter attack Joel Schumacher's acidic remarks when Kilmer refused to star in the fourth Batman film or Schumacher's "A Time to Kill" after "Batman Forever" wrapped. To make matters worse fired director Richard Stanley crashed the wrap party incognito dressed in character as a mutant animal to quietly check on the progress of the production. Frankenheimer was an extremely demanding director in every capacity, and was famous within the industry for telling even highly experienced stunt drivers inane things like "I don't wanna see any brake lights". David Mamet worked on his next film "Ronin" as a script doctor and significantly re-wrote the script and helped save the film. Yet Frankenheimer raised issue insisting that J.D. Zeik be given story credit and billing over Mamet despite Mamet's exponential work. Frankenheimer would not back down and Mamet eventually requested that his name either be removed entirely or placed under a pseudonym to get Frankenheimer off his back.

Ma muide soovitan seda soojalt vaadata, see on lihtsalt ajuvaba ja tõeliselt pöörane... eriti kui üleni valgeks meigitud päikeseprillidega Val Kilmer lõpupoole luuletusi sonib ja Marlon Brandot matkib, samal ajal ringisiplevatele kollidele uimasteid jagades ja mingit metsloomade orgiat kamandades. Ja siis natuke hiljem on järsku kõik kollid omale automaadid kätte saanud, kuigi saarel valitseb kuuldavasti seadus, et tapmine on keelatud, ja tulistavad oma AK-47'dest 10 minutit järjest ilma magasini vahetamata. Kõigele lisaks on seal veel koht, kus Marlon Brando täiesti karakteris sees on ja järsku ühele liliputile, kes ta jalgu üles tõsta üritab, "Don't do that!" karjatab ning siis jälle oma tegelast edasi mängib - ärge küsige, miks see filmi lõppversiooni jõudis. Ja tegelikult seal on nii mõndagi mõtlemapanevat ja isegi hirmuäratavat ka. Täielik aare!
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Postitusi: 13749
Liitunud: 06. Mai 2006, 14:57
Asukoht: Sinu voodialune (väga tolmune *köh*)

PostitusPostitas uLtImAtEcRiTiC » 05. Jaanuar 2011, 16:03

Olen mitu korda näinud ja minu arust ei ole tegemist NIII hullu jamaga. On küll natuke naljakas ja idiootne, aga samas mingi mõte on ikka sees ja vaadata täitsa võib. Võimalik, et sa ei saanud lõpust hästi aru, sest see 'tapmine on keelatud' oli juba ammu kadunud ja Kilmeri karakter oli pmst insane.

Brando had trouble remembering his lines and had to wear a wire with his lines read to him - see tema puhul teadupärast 'tavaline', aplju rolle nii läbi saanud, kus tekst peas pole.
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Re: Dr. Moreau Saar

PostitusPostitas Sten » 14. September 2011, 19:18

kostüümipidu oli piisavalt hea, et filmi nõrgemaid pooli tasakaalustada.. Val'i debiilne roll suutis filmi nauditavaks teha ning teades, mis seti ajal juhtus, on seda filmi veel põnevam jälgida
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Re: Dr. Moreau Saar

PostitusPostitas Forzelius » 16. September 2011, 17:39

Nõustun nendega, kelle arust see complete bs on. Vaadates casti, andsin küll võimaluse sellele, aga tõesti: oli totter.
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Liitunud: 22. Mai 2005, 21:22

Re: Dr. Moreau Saar

PostitusPostitas Zinera » 06. Veebruar 2012, 10:51


Päris huvitav looming sellel Dr. Moreaul, inimloomad nägid päris elutruud ja rõvedad välja. Lugu ise oli suhteliselt kaasahaarav, ei olnud neid igavusmomente jms, kogu aeg toimus tegevus. Ei meeldinud David Thewlis peaosalisena, tõesti halb näitlejatöö, see näitleja sobib vaid Potterifilmi...
Postitusi: 2599
Liitunud: 22. Mai 2005, 13:41

Re: Dr. Moreau Saar

PostitusPostitas Forzelius » 06. Veebruar 2012, 15:41

Zinera kirjutas:Ei meeldinud David Thewlis peaosalisena, tõesti halb näitlejatöö, see näitleja sobib vaid Potterifilmi...

(N) (N) (N)
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Liitunud: 22. Mai 2005, 21:22

Re: Dr. Moreau Saar

PostitusPostitas uLtImAtEcRiTiC » 06. Veebruar 2012, 20:18

On the set of The Island Of Dr. Moreau, Brando said to Kilmer, "You're confusing your talent with your paycheck."

It was also on that film that a camera man alleges that Kilmer put out a cigarette on his face. He, however, says he merely flicked in the camera man's face.

Suure egoga tollane staar Kilmer, kes algse režissööri oma ametist lahti kangutas, on ilmselt põhiline osaline selles fopaas.
The famously difficult actor - who had previously clashed with Tombstone director George P. Cosmatos and whom Batman Forever director Joel Schumacher called "childish and impossible" - was still not satisfied and he resolutely refused to give his time to even the most perfunctory rehearsal.

On the third day, when Kilmer did finally show, it was clear that not only did he not know his lines, he did not even appear to know which scene he was supposed to be in.

Marlon [Brando] described the film at one point as trying to do a crossword puzzle while plunging down an elevator shaft.
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Liitunud: 01. Detsember 2009, 23:12

Re: Dr. Moreau Saar

PostitusPostitas Forzelius » 06. Veebruar 2012, 21:24

Brandoga polnud muide ka kuigi kerge koostööd teha. Apocalypse Now on hea näide sellest.
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Liitunud: 22. Mai 2005, 21:22

Re: Dr. Moreau Saar

PostitusPostitas Ralf » 18. Aprill 2012, 23:58

The Island of Dr. Moreau Blu-ray

New Line and Warner Home Entertainment will bring The Island of Dr. Moreau to Blu-ray in July. This controversial horror film stars David Thewlis (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban) as a man who washes up on an uncharted island overseen by Dr. Moreau (Marlon Brando, A Streetcar Named Desire), a mad scientist who has created a species of human-animal hybrids.

Directed by John Frankenheimer (Ronin), The Island of Dr. Moreau features an eclectic supporting cast that includes Val Kilmer (Batman Forever), Mark Dacascos (Hawaii Five-0), Fairuza Balk (The Waterboy), Temuera Morrison (Green Lantern), and Ron Perlman (Blade II).

While New Line and Warner have not provided the full technical and supplementary specifications for this Blu-ray, the distributors have revealed that they will be offering the film in its unrated director's cut.

Yeah! Nüüd on mul põhjus suvi läbi toas istuda!
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Postitusi: 13749
Liitunud: 06. Mai 2006, 14:57
Asukoht: Sinu voodialune (väga tolmune *köh*)

Re: Doktor Moreau saar

PostitusPostitas Rasmus » 01. November 2016, 01:15

Ohohohoh seda filmi juba kaua vaadata tahtnud ja kusjuures ei vastanud mu ootustele üldse. Ei olnud ju niii hullumeelne ka, nagu räägitud on (ok, tegelt ainult Ralf rääkis). Vb veits haige film, aga mitte üleliia. Val oli siin fantastiline. Või siis tal polnud särki seljas, see on ka võimalus. Film ise jättis külmaks. 5/10
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Re: Doktor Moreau saar

PostitusPostitas Ralf » 30. Aprill 2017, 23:03

"Moreau" esialgne lavastaja, maestro Richard Stanley, kirjutas toreda kommentaari Facebookis nii Val Kilmeri kui John Frankenheimeri kohta, kelle stuudio režissööriks palkas pärast Stanley vallandamist:

Sorry to disappoint, amigo, but a director never rats on their cast members, no matter what. Something to do with that pesky samurai code of honor. Indeed that was one of the things I found most reprehensible about Frankenheimer's behavior, namely his dismaying penchant for mouthing off in the press and trying to blame the cast for the project's downfall. If you watch 'LOST SOUL' carefully, you'll note that I never honestly have a bad word to say about any of them. Certainly, Val was at the height of his powers back then, post DOORS and immediately post BATMAN and was, perhaps, a bit of an armful but ultimately (like Kurtz in Conrad's 'HEART OF DARKNESS') I blame the Company. If the corporate powers that be had backed me we could have overcome the cat fights and gotten the show on track. Their crucial lack of support and the question mark over whether Brando would still be available to work on the project after his daughter's suicide created a power vacuum in which I was unable to act with any real authority, let alone move the production forward. As for, Frankenheimer - I recall the night he died. I got a phone call from Fairuza at about three in the morning and heard her husky, little Mercedes McCambridge voice on the other end saying "Have you heard? He's dead! The bastard's dead." "Oh, Ru," I said. "Just let it go. It was only a goddam movie and its over now. Its best not to speak ill of the dead." "Naaahhh", she hissed. "Frankenheimer was different. He doesn't deserve respect. I hope he sucks dicks in hell!!! I hope he sucks dicks in hell!!!" - so whatever we may think of him now, Val is telling the truth about Frankenheimer - and for that matter he's telling the truth about Brando too. The big man was always a perfect gentleman in his dealings with me, although its clear he lost all faith in the production - and for good reason too. If he started treating the film as a bad joke, it only reflects the sad state of affairs that prevailed on the location. Brando was smart enough to be able to tell at once it was a disaster and while he was a nightmare to deal with for the Company he was always courteous to the locals, the beast folk and the extras, another detail that can be gleaned from a careful viewing of 'LOST SOUL'...
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Postitusi: 13749
Liitunud: 06. Mai 2006, 14:57
Asukoht: Sinu voodialune (väga tolmune *köh*)

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