Parental Guide'i järgi filmi arvamine

Siin võite alustada ja osa võtta kõikvõimalikest filmimängudest, viktoriinidest jms.

Moderaator: Meeskond

PostitusPostitas hau » 10. Oktoober 2007, 20:16

you know it
Postitusi: 4195
Liitunud: 12. Veebruar 2006, 17:22
Asukoht: Tallinn

PostitusPostitas Jolt » 10. Oktoober 2007, 20:39

Komplimendid teema autorile, väga lahe mäng. Mul endal ei lähe sobiva filmi leidmine küll liiga ladusalt - ei suuda otsustada, kas on liiga lihtne ja labane või vajab ka kaks hetke mõtlemist:

Sex & Nudity

No nudity but scenes involving accidental necrophilia, hermaphoditic pornography and the entire film contains much sexual dialogue. Although it should be noted that a majority of the sexual scenes in the film are implied and not actually seen on screen.
Violence & Gore

Some brief hockey violence and a short fight between the two main characters.

Strong language including lots of sexual remarks and comments throughout. but their funny as hell

Cigarettes are sold. Characters are seen smoking. Two characters seen briefly in the film from time to time are drug dealers.
Frightening/Intense Scenes

None but some may be disturbed when it is revealed that a woman had sex with a dead person, despite it being played for laughs.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 2207
Liitunud: 12. Juuni 2007, 12:02

PostitusPostitas hau » 10. Oktoober 2007, 20:45

kompliment endale- arvasin juba peale esimesi ridu lugedes ära

Sex & Nudity

A man bathes in a tub. As he gets out we get a brief glimpse of his buttocks.
Violence & Gore

infrequent moderate violence. There is a scene where a man beats up a woman and people shooting each other. There is also a scene where a man is severely beaten up.

Through the first few scenes in the film a character consistenly refers to another character as a bastard and a son of a bitch.

Characters are shown drinking and smoking
Frightening/Intense Scenes

There are some intense and suspenseful gun fights. A man stands with his neck through a noose several times.
Postitusi: 4195
Liitunud: 12. Veebruar 2006, 17:22
Asukoht: Tallinn

PostitusPostitas Forzelius » 11. Oktoober 2007, 20:41

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Buttocks ja noose olid võtmed...
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 13222
Liitunud: 22. Mai 2005, 21:22

PostitusPostitas hau » 11. Oktoober 2007, 22:39

Ralf kirjutas:Ma pakun, et mängu kiirendaks see, kui oma vastust otsekohe IMDb'st üle kontrollida, kui Parental Advisory lehed kattuvad, siis pole ju küsija kinnitust oodata vajagi ja saab järgmise tulistada. IMDb'd vastuse leidmisel kasutada vist ei saagi, sest minu arust seal ju selle Parental Advisory asja otsingut ei olegi.
Postitusi: 4195
Liitunud: 12. Veebruar 2006, 17:22
Asukoht: Tallinn

PostitusPostitas Forzelius » 11. Oktoober 2007, 23:12

Sex & Nudity
In a flashback scene, a man is seen raping a woman. The flashback is really blurry and shaky so you can't see much, although some thrusting is very briefly seen.

Some brief sexual dialogue.

Violence & Gore
A man is shot in the head and blood drips down his face.

A man is shot in the stomach. We later see his corpse.

A man is severely burned and shown covered in bandages.

A man shoots another man in the back with a rifle; Blood spurts out.

A man is shot in the back while he is examining a truck; Blood sprays all over the truck.

Other instances of people firing guns and killing each other.

A boat is blown up in several scenes.

A man walks out of a room; We see that he has a knife in the back of his neck, and he dies.

In the previously mentioned flashback scene, two children are shot and killed. Again, the flashback is blurry and shaky so you can't see much.

Frequent use of "fuck" and some other profanities such as "cocksucker".

Part of the film's premise revolves around a drug deal.

A man opens a briefcase and finds a few bags of cocaine.

Some characters are shown smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

Frightening/Intense Scenes
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 13222
Liitunud: 22. Mai 2005, 21:22

PostitusPostitas Jolt » 12. Oktoober 2007, 01:18

Ennast ka hämmastab, kui pikkade juhtmetega ma olen. The Usual Suspects, muidugimõista.

Sex & Nudity

Some characters discuss sex and two start kissing and getting undressed in preparation for sex although they do not have sex. One scene of sex in the opening sequence with breasts visible and some mild thrusting.
Violence & Gore

Occasional strong violence. One man badly beats another one, including pouring hot water over him. Some people are threatened and murdered.

Frequent strong language, including f*ck, f*nny and b*stard among others.

/--/ The main character takes some apparently prescription tablets and various characters drink alcohol. Some drug use in the opening 30 minutes.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 2207
Liitunud: 12. Juuni 2007, 12:02

PostitusPostitas Ralf » 12. Oktoober 2007, 13:49

"Layer Cake" : )

Sex & Nudity
Lots of sexual innuendo, references, themes, etc.
In a play people pretend to have sex, the motions are relatively graphic.
We briefly see a threesome with full nudity. We briefly see a man raping a woman (we see her bare breasts), and another man pulls him away.
A woman performs oral sex on a man (we see her come up and lick her lips).
An older man forces sex onto a younger woman.
A man fantasizes having sex with a woman, we see her bare breasts.
A man lives in a room naked (we see his butt)

Violence & Gore
Some decapitated heads and bodies are shown. A man writes on a wall with his poop.

About 10 F-words.
Kasutaja avatar
love <3
Postitusi: 13749
Liitunud: 06. Mai 2006, 14:57
Asukoht: Sinu voodialune (väga tolmune *köh*)

PostitusPostitas Jolt » 14. Oktoober 2007, 10:15

Markii de Sade ilmselt ongi grafomaania, igatahes filmiks on Quills, üks lemmikuid omas kategoorias.

Sex & Nudity
A man watches a video of a man and a woman having sex in various sexual positions (we see full nudity).

A man and a woman prepare to have sex.

A man imagines a waitress taking off her clothes (we see her bare breasts). A man wakes up next to a woman (we see her bare breasts), the man later watches this scene recorded on camera.

Violence & Gore
A man imagines his head being blown off by a cop.

31 F-words

/--/. This drug is the main subject matter of the movie. Lots of smoking. References to marijuana. A man makes cocaine with household materials.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 2207
Liitunud: 12. Juuni 2007, 12:02

PostitusPostitas Robert » 14. Oktoober 2007, 20:58

A Scanner Darkly. Alguses näis päris raskena, kuid hakkasin süvenema just sellesse "A man imagines" asja.. Ja siis see "scene recorded on camera" tuletas ASD kohe meelde.

Igatahes siit tuleb uus:

Sex & Nudity
Quite a bit. This movie shows several sex scenes from movies. Several scenes of simulated sex, thrusting, and many frank sexual discussions about various sexual acts.

Violence & Gore
Shows a few violent images from various movies though the blood and gore is kept to a minimum.

Frightening/Intense Scenes
Some scenes of war may be disturbing to some.
Postitusi: 2873
Liitunud: 18. Jaanuar 2005, 15:21
Asukoht: Tallinn

PostitusPostitas Forzelius » 04. November 2007, 19:55

Anna mingi vihje...
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 13222
Liitunud: 22. Mai 2005, 21:22

PostitusPostitas Forzelius » 12. November 2007, 20:09

Okei, vihjet ei tule, panen uue:

Sex & Nudity

There is an early scene when ... is having sex with a prostitute which contains full frontal female nudity and two people engaed in sexual activity.

There is a scene of a woman having a shower which contains full frontal nudity as well as her being forcibly removed by ... while still naked.

There is a scene when ... runs his gun over a womans breast in a sexual way and pulls her bra down with the gun barrell to expose her nipple against her will.

There is a scene when ... places the gun barrell into a womans knickers against her will with sexual intent.

Part of the film is set in a whore hosue where various scenes of sexual activity and nudity occur.

A reference is made to an act of sex with a decapitated chicken.

Violence& Gore

There are numerous gun fights and the use of guns and knifes is common throughout the film.

There are scenes of people being beaten with sticks.

The skin sliced from a mans face is used like a mask and placed on his wifes face.

Large nails are driven into a character's hands, later on he manages to pull his hands through the nails.

Two female friends are humiliated as one is forced to hit the other's face.

There are lots of beatings, punches and fights throughout the film.

There are lots of gory gunshot impact wounds throughout the film.

A woman has her throat cut with a knife.

A woman is shot in the forehead.

Someone has their neck broken.

There is a lot of blood, whether it be blood stains on the character's clothes or bloody wounds.

There is a shot of several severed heads in a fridge.

A woman is run over by a semi truck and leaves a long trail of blood along the road, when the police arrive they cover the body but the sheet is red with blood stains.

An axe is thrust into a character's shoulder and he is then struck several more time off screen.


... contains constant use of explicit profanity and bad language which are used for insults, humiliation, descirptions of sexual acts including bestiality, anger, intimidation, threatening behaviour and just as part of normal coversations.


Many of the character's in ... both drink alcohol and smoke on screen.

One character is shown snorting coke and smoking cannabis.

Frightening/Intense Scenes

There are many scenes and sequences which depicpt sadistic acts of violence and humiliation, these scenes are graphic, very intense and unflinching.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 13222
Liitunud: 22. Mai 2005, 21:22

PostitusPostitas Ralf » 12. November 2007, 21:12

The skin sliced from a mans face is used like a mask and placed on his wifes face reetis ära, äkki on "The Devil's Rejects"?
Kasutaja avatar
love <3
Postitusi: 13749
Liitunud: 06. Mai 2006, 14:57
Asukoht: Sinu voodialune (väga tolmune *köh*)

PostitusPostitas Forzelius » 12. November 2007, 21:19

Go on...
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 13222
Liitunud: 22. Mai 2005, 21:22

PostitusPostitas Forzelius » 21. Juuni 2008, 19:18

Kamoon, jätkame seda ja teisi mänge ka - kunagi oli filmivebis mingi 20 aktiivset mängu korraga, mis siis nüüd?

Panen uue:

Sex & Nudity
there is implied sex between two characters (we see them making out with clothes on a bed, then the scene changes)

a joke about someone being a "pervert"

Violence & Gore
...'s character attempts suicide several times (in a very slapstick way, but actual violence and gore is not shown on screen.

A man's corpse is shown in the morgue, his eyes are open and his body is pale.

some mild PG-Rated words like damn, ass, etc.

one character as well as other random characters are seen smoking cigarettes throughout the film.

a scene takes place at a party where there is drinking going on

Frightening/Intense Scenes
... drives his car off a cliff which crashes and then explodes. No explicit gore is shown.

... eletrocutes himself with a toaster in a bathtub but it's shown off screen.

... jumps out of a window several stories up, but there is no visual of his fall/crash.

the fact that someone is living the exact same day over and over again may frighten some people

Peaks kerge olema ;-)
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 13222
Liitunud: 22. Mai 2005, 21:22


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