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PostitusPostitas rauls » 23. November 2008, 01:48

Võin kihla vedada, et hind saab olema kindlasti üsna krõbe ehk siis üle 200 krooni.
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Postitusi: 4385
Liitunud: 27. August 2008, 23:34

PostitusPostitas hau » 23. November 2008, 12:46

Ei usu. Suht kindel, et hind on sama mis teistelgi uutel väljaannetel ehk mingi 180 või 200.
Postitusi: 4195
Liitunud: 12. Veebruar 2006, 17:22
Asukoht: Tallinn

PostitusPostitas eerik » 27. November 2008, 18:56

250.- EEK on hind, mida oli ka oodata kaheplaadilise reliisi eest.
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Postitusi: 4876
Liitunud: 05. Märts 2006, 00:59

PostitusPostitas Forzelius » 27. November 2008, 20:24

Omandasin täna üle kahe kuu ühe DVD. 249.- oli siis hind, jeh..
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Postitusi: 13222
Liitunud: 22. Mai 2005, 21:22

PostitusPostitas Hülss » 27. November 2008, 22:35

Forza kirjutas:Omandasin täna üle kahe kuu ühe DVD. 249.- oli siis hind, jeh..

Kas eestikeelne kaas või on inglise keeles ? Mul hetkel vaba raha, et peaks ära ostma millalgi.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 1279
Liitunud: 14. Jaanuar 2007, 16:49
Asukoht: Tallinn

PostitusPostitas Soprano » 27. November 2008, 23:50

Kaas on hoopis selline mitte Joker'ga :(
Prismas nägin 229.-
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Filmiveeb.ee admin
Postitusi: 8748
Liitunud: 06. Jaanuar 2007, 05:24

PostitusPostitas hau » 28. November 2008, 00:48

See on papist karbi kaas. DVD case on Jokeriga ning tagakaas on Jokeri poolt soditud nagu arvata võis.
Postitusi: 4195
Liitunud: 12. Veebruar 2006, 17:22
Asukoht: Tallinn

PostitusPostitas Soprano » 28. November 2008, 00:53

aa nujah selle peale ei tulnudki. Sel juhul kõik korras. Papist kaaned ftw!
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Filmiveeb.ee admin
Filmiveeb.ee admin
Postitusi: 8748
Liitunud: 06. Jaanuar 2007, 05:24

PostitusPostitas Forzelius » 29. November 2008, 05:36

Jeah! Papist kaaned omavad!!
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 13222
Liitunud: 22. Mai 2005, 21:22

PostitusPostitas Soprano » 07. Detsember 2008, 20:58

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Liitunud: 06. Jaanuar 2007, 05:24

PostitusPostitas Hülss » 08. Detsember 2008, 01:02

Lol, nice. :))
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 1279
Liitunud: 14. Jaanuar 2007, 16:49
Asukoht: Tallinn

PostitusPostitas hau » 08. Detsember 2008, 01:32

Nolan Talks DARK KNIGHT, TDK Sequel, And More
-It was "a shock" to Nolan & his team that TDK was so successful i.e. is the 2nd highest grossing film of all time

-He really studied how to approach a sequel - what works versus what doesn't. His goal was to "provide a new experience, stretch in all directions" He wanted to delve deeper into the characters, both old & new and stage the action and story on a "grander scale", using an "operatic sensibility"

-He wanted the film to connect to what we as an audience are concerned about. What would impact us, what would excite us. In the end he realized he was tapping into his own "fear of anarchy" and that the Joker was a "distillation of that force"

-In his approach to the entire franchise, Nolan wanted to use a great ensemble a la Richard Donner in Superman. Get a cast that is wholly talented, all of whom bring a lot to the table. This was the mindset in casting Batman Begins & was carried through to Dark Knight

-In reference to Heath Ledger, he had "Something to express that was very much in line with the character in the script. It just meshed"

-Compared the home Blu-Ray version of Dark Knight to the big screen IMAX version and said that the advent of Blu-Ray is a vast improvement technically and important for the translation of IMAX to home video. Now people at home can see the difference between shooting in IMAX and shooting in 35mm in a way that even audiences who saw TDK with a 35mm projection didn't get to experience. Blu Ray points out the "grain structure" and "focus anomalies" and will actually expand in size the same way the IMAX print did, all of which are important for optimal TDK viewing.

-Drew inspiration from Frank Miller's work in the 80s - more serious, more contemporary

-If he made a third film, it would be for no reason but the continuation of story. He is currently looking into where the story would go and if it needs to go there. He maintained that it's very hard to make a movie of this scale (and specified he wasn't asking for our sympathy, drawing a laugh from the crowd) - it's two hard years and you gotta love it. One of his biggest fears is getting halfway through making a film and realizing it's unnecessary and he doesn't want to make it anymore. If there is a third story that needs to be told, there will be a third film, but nothing is set in stone or a given.

-There is no 3 hour cut anywhere - no deleted scenes. He, John Nolan & David Goyer would cut scenes before they ever made it to the screen in what Nolan calls an "aggressive editorial approach." Their criteria was that every scene needs three reasons to be in the film or it's out. This made for a difficult time in the editing suite as every single scene was essential and could not be removed.

-The music ended up playing a huge role in pacing and storytelling

-Shooting in IMAX is about "clarity" and "sharpness" not being big. It's about providing a "sense of the screen disappearing."

-He was shocked that no one ever tried to work with action films in IMAX before & would love to shoot a film entirely in IMAX. The problem with this? An IMAX camera is very noisy, SO noisy in fact that all the dialogue in every IMAX scene had to be looped in post - a feat more difficult for the younger generation of actors, who have less ADR experience. Would ideally like to shoot a hybrid film where all MOS scenes are IMAX are all scenes with dialogue are 65mm.

-When translating a story to a screenplay, the first question he asks himself is "What is the point of view?" For Memento, the protagonist couldn't remember what had happened right before, therefore telling the story backwards seemed a natural device. In TDK, there are many characters and a gradual rise in tension, so linear works best.

-The videos shot by the Joker were in fact shot and mostly directed by Heath Ledger. For the first video, Wally Pfister came in and checked the lights, the sound guys set up a few extra mics, everyone hid around the corner and they let Heath play. Ledger had been planning to direct and was an incredible collaborator with a great mind. Nolan trusted him implicitly. Ledger's work on the first video was so fantastic that Nolan wasn't even there for the second video shoot with Anthony Michael Hall. He gave Ledger the camera and said "do whatever you want." Apparently every take Ledger did was different, but always in line with the story and always fantastic. Where are those on the dvd, Mr. Nolan?!!

-Something was mentioned about scanning 8k...I couldn't follow the technical speak. Which is sad for me.

-He studied English Lit in school and is a self taught director. Started playing around with a camera at age 7 or 8. Believes in the Kubrick school of thought that the best way to learn how to make a movie is to make one.
Postitusi: 4195
Liitunud: 12. Veebruar 2006, 17:22
Asukoht: Tallinn

PostitusPostitas Hülss » 08. Detsember 2008, 02:44

Nolan on tark mees, mis seal öelda. Õige lähenemisega.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 1279
Liitunud: 14. Jaanuar 2007, 16:49
Asukoht: Tallinn

PostitusPostitas Soprano » 10. Detsember 2008, 18:58

Jolt kirjutas:Ma ei saa aru, mis häda kõigil tolle Batman'i häälega on. :? Ma olen senini seda filmi kolm korda näinud ja mitte ühel neist ei käinud see mulle pinda. Alles viimasel korral suutsin, ohtra vastukaja peale, ennast ka nii kaugele viia, et märkasin seda... ja kui see kontekstist välja võtta, siis võibolla on see jeh kergelt cheesy. Aga in-the-movie töötab väga hästi. Või mul lihtsalt puudub tundlikus nendes oktaavribades.

Vana klipp, but proves my point (loomulikult liialdatud)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjBOTT0tr84 (outtakes)

Jokerit on youtubes palju järgi tehtud, aga see tüüp pretty much nails it. On teinud paar tervet stseeni.
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Postitusi: 8748
Liitunud: 06. Jaanuar 2007, 05:24

PostitusPostitas hau » 11. Detsember 2008, 15:53

nii muuseas
The Dark Knight sold over 600,000 copies on Tuesday alone, while the previous record holder, Paramount’s Iron Man, sold 400,000 Blu-ray copies in one week.

And guess how many copies the film sold on old school DVD? Would you believe 3 million? 7 million copies are expect to be sold by weeks end, making it the best selling release of the year. If I were to guestimate, I would say that the release will have made over $175-$200 million by weeks end.
Postitusi: 4195
Liitunud: 12. Veebruar 2006, 17:22
Asukoht: Tallinn


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